Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Okay, they are super tiny right now, but we have watermelons! I've never grown watermelon before so I am super excited. They are the Sugar Baby variety, so they will stay pretty small-only about 7-8 inches. The plant has gotten huge, it seems to double in size every night.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

Take off your shoes, we have some stomping to do!

Our grapes (concord??) are getting big. So far they haven't been too tasty, but maybe this year is the year. We have tons of them and it would be great to actually make something from them rather then have them wither on the vine.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Violet has taken to sunning herself in the yard.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!

First up: The blackberries are blooming and starting to fruit.

We have a circle of yucca in the backyard that we uncovered when we moved in. It had been completely overgrown. Now they are healthy and blooming. You can't tell in the picture but the shoot with the flowers on it is over 5 feet tall.
Our first blooming hydrangea. Matt thinks it was blue last year, but I am not sure. It is the "endless summer" variety.

I think this picture came out pretty. It's the redbud tree we planted last year-raspberry sundae.

And last: the coneflowers Matt planted last Saturday to help fill in the hole that was left after taking out an old clothes pole.
This is my first participation in Bloom Day! I just took these pictures less than 10 minutes ago, so it is literally what is blooming right now.

Also: please vote for my cooking blog, Coconut & Lime in the GrillMe contest. By voting for me you are also entering yourself in the same contest-a trip to Napa Valley! Click here to enter.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


We finally have some baby tomatoes! Heather had some on Sunday and I was worried my plants were woefully inadequate, but I think she just planted hers first. My mom was over today and she thinks they might be planted too close together, but I think they are okay. They are already doing a 1,000 times better than they did last year.

Also: please vote for my cooking blog, Coconut & Lime in the GrillMe contest. By voting for me you are also entering yourself in the same contest-a trip to Napa Valley! Click here to enter.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

First Harvest!

I made some mint gelato from the mint plant we got last month. The first "harvest" of the season!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Red Lilies

Anyone have any idea what these are? They appear to be some sort of lily and are a really lurid red.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Pink Carnations

I bought these back when we first moved in and wanted something that would grow and spread a bit in the area near our mailbox. It was past their blooming season and the picture on the tag was tiny and contained only their Latin name. It wasn't until last year that I realized they were carnations. I had never really thought of carnations as something you can grow in your yard, but you can and they really have spread. The only thing I don't like about them is how floppy they are!

Monday, June 4, 2007


I just learned about this site called Bloomscape. I haven't tried them but they look interesting. After my Greenwood Nursery woes, I am hesitant to try a different online garden place, but maybe they are better?